Sunday, November 25, 2012

Who's 1st

It seems like I'm not 1st but it's not bad because I don't mind helping out others be it friends family or strangers. What I do know if you do good thing good things will happen for you. Right now I feel like making a shift in the order of who's first so guess what it's gonna be me and I promise to still be the same guy so don't think I'm walking out on you guys it's just I need to get somethings in order. so stay tuned I got some big thins about to happen. You know I stay on the cutting edge of everything (phone rang and I have to go ) later

Sunday, August 30, 2009

How many times

Learning from your mistakes is sometimes the best teacher and yet I continue to make the wrong choices. All I can say if you want something do it now don't wait for the right moment because that will sometimes never come. I've stepped out on faith many times and I've always won. There is no way to turn back the clock the time is now. I have to remember these times when i make decisions. I've learned so much from the mistakes I often wonder when will I get it right the answer is never live you life to the fullest. Communication is the key you can't live alone in this world we all need each other. Peace

Friday, August 28, 2009

The comfort zone

If you leave your comfort zone you will grow. try it. Another tough day mentally I hate not being busy somtimes it gives my mind to much time to feel pain. I have to get out of my comfort zone it's causing me to lose people in my life that I cherish and hope to be with forever. Nothin is promised do I must evoke change and become more responsible as life in not getting any longer. As I once said before failure preceeds success and we must learn from our mistakes and others. I have a few weeks to show how failer and change will improve my situation. I have to make the right choices from here on in time is ticking anyway enough rambling tonite I'm drained and confused all I know is I will continue to do my best to show how much you mean to me

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I just wanna be successful

In everything I do i want success. Relationships are so tough to find success in them because it's forever changing so you have to grow with it I'm learning to grow with the changes it is so tough but like they say nothin good comes easy. You know what I'm up for the challenge. The work place is a different animal of it's own sometime we measure success with money, power,or position we hold. We are always jockeying for position to get that top spot or a bigger check office in the corner with a view. I hope we all get what we want just remember you will never lose until you quit.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This life is not easy

What have I done to get this outcome or what have I not done ?
I'm in a constant battle for greatness my survival tactics have not failed me although I'm still not satisfied as I sleep alone wondering will this be my journey for today. I hope when I wake up that the day will bring me much joy i know it's gonna work out it just seems so tough right now. I'm tired and I can't sleep thus is my 1st entry on my blog I'm gonna try and go to sleep